What are the top benefits of a BIM Execution Plan?

What are the top benefits of a BIM Execution Plan?

To ensure that a BIM project is successful, it requires an effective and thorough BIM Execution Plan. Often abbreviated as BEP or BXP it clearly outlines the flow of project. The BIM Execution Plan is a comprehensive, detailed and an important document that helps the project team in identifying and executing the role of BIM though all the phases of construction. With a proper BEP all the necessary information can be streamlined so that the project timeline and budget is maintained throughout.

In the current article we outline the steps involved in a BIM Execution plan as well as state the top benefits of adapting it.

Steps of BIM Execution Plan:

The BIM Execution Plan can be divided into the following steps:

  • Defining the goals:

The main purpose of adapting BIM for a given project must be determined by the clients and the BIM team in association. It could be for detecting clashes, facility management, for getting cost estimations etc.

  • Determining LOD:

The LOD of the BIM project must be plainly ascertained. The LOD in BIM can be between 100 to 500. Generally, in Structural BIM Services engineers use LOD 400 to 450 for fabrication purpose while MEP engineers use LOD 300-500 to define parameters and provide details of MEP components.

  • Choose the technology: 

In this stage hardware, software and data exchange protocols are identified. Even the network environment is chosen.

  • Setting up modeling standards:

Country and location specific modeling standards are identified and determined. If there are any intellectual property issues then they are resolved in this stage. Even the BIM guidelines and BIM practices are fixed here so that through the duration of the whole project the team stays on one page.

  • Responsibility Matrix:

This is crucial as roles and responsibilities must be allocated. This ensures that each individual is accountable for their own work as well as everyone knows who to contact for any given query or issue.

Importance of BIM Execution Plan:

To create and follow a BIM execution plan is no simple practice. It requires patience and understanding. It is thus apparent that the question does arise as to why a BIM Execution Plan is so crucial. Here are the top benefits of it:

  • Clear Communication:

BIM Execution Plan clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of each and every member of the team. It also goes a long way in fostering clear communications between every BIM member. When everyone knows whom to contact to with regards to a given work there is a less scope of any miscommunication or confusion. Moreover, when it comes to construction sector each project is different as there are different requirements, needs, regulations and internal standards. Using BXP ensures clear understanding of applicable rules and ensures all rules and requirements are followed.

  • Increased Transparency:

BIM execution plans are readily available for every member of the team to be seen right from the inception across all phases of execution. This means that everyone is aware about what is being worked on, what the other members of the BIM team are working on etc. The BXP is also sharable and can be updated as and when needed so it reflects the status of the project for everyone from the owners to the managers to see.

  • Robust Project Execution:

An effective BIM Execution Plan focuses on the project rather than mentioning every BIM Services protocol and standard. Since it clearly outlines what needs to be done and when it ensures that everything is done and nothing is missed out on. It also increases accountability and if anything is not done or something is done wrong it is possible to directly contact the concerned person and rectify the same.

  • Saves Time:

Today the construction companies face the challenge of extreme competition which causes them to take on projects in tight deadlines. It is at this point that it becomes imperative that they ensure that they are sticking to the project timeline. Even a small delay could cause a domino effect which disrupts the whole project timeline.

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