7 Barriers to Implementation of BIM Modeling
BIM is the process of creating an intelligent 3D model of an object on modeling software. This model is then used in the design and construction phase of the project. BIM brings about efficiency in a project. Some of the most important benefits of BIM is its potential to cut down rework thereby reducing cost and increasing productivity.
Despite the many advantages that BIM has to offer, companies to reluctant to adopt BIM modeling. The following factors pose a challenge in the implementation of BIM modeling in an organization:
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Barriers to Implementation of BIM Modeling
#1 Fear of change
Organizations, in general, are reluctant to accept change. The paradigm shift that BIM brings in the way the designers and contractors work instills a sense of fear among them. BIM modeling forays them into unknown territory and hence, they are unwilling to explore new avenues as old practices die hard.
#2 Software Learning Curve
The learning curve that comes along with implementing new software becomes a deterrent to acceptance.
#3 Unavailability of a trained workforce
Even though BIM has been around for more than three decades, its acceptance in the industry can be traced back not more than a decade. Industry leaders started implementing BIM, thereby providing an opportunity for others in the industry to follow the suit. It opened more avenues for the workforce. However, since the concept is comparatively new, the availability of a trained workforce is scarce. Companies have to invest in training existing and new workforce.
#4 Initial Investment Costs
BIM software that is available today is expensive. The initial investment cost of purchasing the software is a cause of concern for organizations. This, coupled with the investment that an organization has to make in the training of the workforce, deters them from shifting to the use of BIM modeling services.
#5 Lack of willingness
BIM requires collaboration within different disciplines. The traditional workflow wherein different disciplines would create design individually doesn’t work with BIM. Designers are often unwilling to collaborate with different disciplines.
#6 Lack of support from company leadership
BIM implementation goes against the typical top-down approach. It requires more collaboration amongst the stakeholders which can be a deterrent to company leadership.
#7 Perceived as “Not always relevant”
Small organizations perceive BIM to be inappropriate for the nature of their typical workload. They believe that the level of complexity in the projects they handle does not warrant the use of BIM.
Despite initial hesitation, there are the “Industry Leaders” who have gone ahead and implemented BIM Services. Most of these companies have found that BIM implementation has brought about cost efficiencies, speed in delivery, and higher profitability. Their experience demonstrates that the process, whilst not easy, is worth adopting as it will be more cost-effective and less risky than not doing so.