The advantages of Model-Based Steel Detailing

AEC Firms today face a unique challenge of delivering a project rapidly as well as dealing with the increasing market competition. The pressure to get the final deliverables faster, cheaper all the while ensuring its quality, has never been stronger. When this is coupled with the lack of skilled laborers, migrating to a model-based steel detailing software is an attractive and beneficial option.
Model-based detailing solutions like Autodesk Advance Steel or Xsteel by Tekla has slowly transformed the way structural and steel professional work. It has allowed them to keep the pace on and meet today’s rising demand, as well as increased productivity, coordination, and decision making. It has also cut down on time spent on detailing. In a study by Autodesk, it was found that an AEC firm spent up to 75% less time than originally expected on detailing. The intelligent data which is at the core of BIM sped up almost every aspect of their steel detailing process.
Let us look at the advantages that model-based steel detailing offers Structural and Steel professionals:
- Automate Detailing:
Steel Shop Drawing Services use Advance Steel or Xsteel to automatically generate shop drawings, arrangement drawings, fabrication drawings, and assembly drawings. These 2D drawings are extremely accurate and ensuring that installation or construction goes smoothly onsite. Design changes can also be easily accommodated as even a small modification in the model automatically updates all associated elements. The shop drawings can also be converted into .NC files which are used for error-free production.
2. Better Coordination:
In a collaborated 3D model design, detailing, fabrication, and construction team works together right from the start. Each member has access to the same data ensuring that all the stakeholders remain on the same page. It also alerts about the creation, modification, or deletion of any important elements so that no vital information is missed. Finally, since each member can see the evolving design they can contribute their expertise to the project more easily resulting in a superior deliverable.
3. Reduction of Errors:
The model-based approach removes redundant data by effective detection of errors. This is firstly done by increasing collaboration between all the stakeholders and thus reducing any errors that arise out of miscommunication. Moreover, Clash detection allows to easily spot interferences that might get overlooked in the 2D process. This also ensures that the .nc files which are sent to CNC machines for printing are extremely accurate and thus, there is no waste on-site.
4. Streamlined QA/QC processes:
Any errors leads to an increase in time, labor and cost. In order to avoid that steel detailers and fabricators follow a rigorous QA/QC process. In a detailed 3D Model, it is easy to conduct a streamlined QA/QC process which ensures that the geometry submitted is with the correct level of development, is in the right locations, represents an accurate system and doesn’t have any clash issues.
5. Saves time:
Advanced Steel has a libraries of materials, sections and other components which has standards and codes from around the world. It thus helps efficient and quick modeling of bracing, side rails, folded plates as well as steel works like railings, ladders, etc. Along with efficient modeling the above four points of automate detailing, reduced errors, better coordination, and a streamline QA/QC process deliver another win- saving time!
Steel Detailing combined with Structural BIM Services can bring a host of advantages like coordinated design, detailing, and fabrication. It provides intelligent and well-organized information for a streamlined workflow including real-time fabrication management, data for CNC processing, and material handling. With the right model-based approach one can design, detail, fabricate, and erect all the steel structures on budget and time.