Clash Coordination with BIM Software

Clash Coordination with BIM Software

Nowadays clash detection has become essential during the pre-construction stage as it is very time-consuming and fussy. Different clash coordination software applications are available in the market. However, which clash coordination BIM software needs to be used is important. The software which generates accurate quantities by location saves time and reworks in a construction project is the optimum clash coordination software.

This software allows you to visualize conflict areas in advance and ease the installation process. Before choosing the clash detection software make sure that it will smooth the installation process, precise cost and schedule plan for your building project.

Advantages provided by several clash coordination software applications

Data Sharing– Coordination between Navisworks and BIM 360 Glue offers cloud connectivity to Navisworks users. It also supports workflow with BIM 360 and Navisworks data.

Potential Clash Reduction– Clash detection software helps to view collisions as per geometric model pertaining to other clashes. It checks laser scan data against 3D design and opens clashes in design software applications. It also transparent the non-collision items for detecting conflicts in the model. This software supports coordination by creating tough, duplicate and clearance test.

Interference Checking– In the beginning of the construction only, Navisworks clash coordination tools perform interference checking and manage potential problems minimizing delays and rework in the project.

Conflict Management– With the help of clash detection software conflicts can be easily managed. We can track and resolve the conflicts accordingly. This software also detects the group clash in the model and addresses multiple conflicts as a single issue. Grid and level location can be used for managing group and filter collisions.

Collision Avoidance– By using the BIM coordination model in AutoCAD 2016, conflicts can be avoided which allows for opening Navisworks and BIM 360 Glue models with design products.

Communication with Project Team– Issues related to collisions can be easily communicated to the project team with the help of Clash coordination software. Reports of collision test results mentioning all comments and screenshots can also be exported to this software. Conflict scenarios can also be shared with other Navisworks users through XML export/import for reusing on the projects.

Conflict resolution– Clash coordination software settings consist of clash object colors, composite level collisions, saved viewpoint management, comment column, filter by a selection of new modes, reporting filtered results and user-controlled isolation help to resolve all conflicts.

It is important to opt for the best clash coordination software to resolve all conflicts before the beginning of the construction project. With the help of Clash Manager in Navisworks collisions in the specific sections of the model can be isolated and cleaned up the collision result data. This will overall decrease the time required for managing conflicts and result in effective project execution.

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  • Dhvani Badheka
    Dhvani Badheka

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