Applications of IoT in Construction (Part 2)

Applications of IoT in Construction (Part 2)

In our previous blog, we explained what IoT is and how it is connected to the construction industry. Not only that, we also explored its relation with BIM Modeling Services, digital twin and augmented reality- how it makes the 3D modelsmarter by enhancing its visualization, connecting it with real time data and simulating multiple scenarios to give the best output. But, IoT isn’t just limited to the technological aspect, it can also aid in managerial area that we will discover in this blog.

Just-in-time (JIT) provisioning for tools & equipment tracking & budgeting

Goods are frequently supplied to the project site after their scheduled arrival time because of shoddy scheduling brought on by human mistakes. However, a suitable system on location can use radio frequency identification tags (RFID) to count supply units. As a result, if the count falls below a set threshold, the system will send a specific request to a centralized server to order additional. As a result, there is reduced downtime, allowing businesses to finish their construction projects on schedule. Further, JIT (Just in time) provisioning will also save money by removing the need to order extra supplies that can’t be used simultaneously. But, what if it’s a worker’s error due to their negligence towards their work? IoT has got that covered too!

  • Daily Remote Performance Management

IoT-connected security cameras and measuring sensors operate and regulate equipment remotely, improving operational precision. They also enable project managers to track personnel’s daily movement and progress. This helps them make effective construction plans, reduce downtime, and correlate worker performance with pertinent tasks and on-site procedures.

  • Safety

One of the factors that hinders workers’ productivity is their safety concern. And, protecting workers from numerous calamities is one of the most fundamental concerns on a building site. Workers who handle machinery and equipment for an extended amount of time grow fatigued and become prone to accidents. IoT devices come to their rescue and save the day by watching for warning signs of distress, including abnormal pulse rates, elevations, and user position. Its example being: A worker is wearing a real-time position monitoring device, and the same construction is being carried out by large machines with similar real-time movement detector chips. In case of an accident, supervisors can deliver assistance at the right time and precise location by tracking their mobility using real-time IoT data from a central control center.

Last but not least, IoT technology enables the establishment of a digital real-time job site map that updates dangers related to construction activity and alerts all workers when they approach a risky environment. Additionally, alarms can be delivered to the workers via the same devices in the event of any emergency on-site, allowing them to protect themselves and be prepared to take immediate action. 


IoT has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, just like everything else. While it can access data from anywhere and at any time on any device, it also gets susceptible to hacking at the same time. It also has the capacity to improve communication between multiple devices but if there’s a bug in the system, it can make all the devices connected corrupt. Moreover, since there’s no international standard of compatibility for IoT, it’s difficult for devices from different manufacturers to communicate with each other.

But, let’s not forget that since it’s a new concept, there’s a huge room for its improvement, especially in the construction sector. After Revit Modeling Services, IoT is the most revolutionary technology the construction industry has witnessed. And, given the rapid development of technology all over the world, IoT is sure to revolutionize tech and construction industry.

Why should you outsource BIM services?
Applications of IoT in construction (Part 1)
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