Myths and Facts about BIM

Building Information Modeling has become an important tool for project design as well as throughout the lifecycle of the project from conception to completion. It encourages collaboration and information exchange between all project stakeholders, decreasing the potential for confusions, mistakes or mix-ups.
Today the paper based PDF drawing is the legitimately restricting deliverable, this is the beginning of our businesses challenge and one which cannot be removed easily. It costs time and money to investigate how this can be developed into something new which is required now. In any case, when this change is executed, the result would be outstanding and outweighing the invested amount. BIM data can be used for planning and resourcing of a project be it city wise or at country level. This has also led to increase in the number of BIM compliant countries across globe.
To benefit from BIM Services, it is important for you to know about the basic myths and facts about BIM before its implementation.